Investment management is hard

I know this because I spent 15 years in this intensely competitive industry. Your competitors are bright, energetic and ambitious. They’re well-educated and they’re well-resourced. It’s hard to beat this group.

The soft stuff is the hardest part

I know this because my consultancy clients tell me so. Over and over again. The toughest problems to solve are not the ones that draw on their hard skills. Their greatest struggles are psychological, relational and cultural. Soft stuff.

You can gain an edge

My essays, stories, interviews and reviews help you get better at dealing with the soft stuff of investment management. Many of your competitors dismiss the soft stuff. This publication will help you do better than them. 

I respect your time

You already have a ton of stuff to wade through, so I’ll keep it low-frequency. I will publish only once or twice a month.

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Investment management is hard. The soft stuff is the hardest part.


My first career was in money management. I now draw on that experience in my consulting work with investment professionals and investment teams.